Sunday, July 03, 2011


We may not need any alternate crop plan. I have got 16 years experience in agriculture dept. No alternate crop like Pulses was successful in place of paddy previously. The farmers of Vizianagaram district are experts and can face natural vagories and cultivate paddy under adverse weather conditions.
They sow paddy with over aged seedlings of 50 to 70 days and get some yields. Now Maize crop has been introduced and is successful in many areas. It can be raised in place of paddy .
I have prepared a contingency plan discussing with Co-ordinator ,District Agriculture Advisory and Transfer of Technology Centre ( DAATTC ) and MAOs and an alternate cropping plan also prepared and submitted to Commissioner and Director of Agriculture AP, Hyderabad. Seed requirements worked out for timely arrangement in case a contingency arises.
Short duration Paddy like JLG 1798, MTU 1010 and MTU 1001 are suggested , to raise in case Rains received Late after August 15 th.
.Direct sowing instead of raising Nurseries is advocated.
It is estimated that nearly 75,000 ha need to be covered under alternate crops in case South West monsoon fails.

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